Windows 8 hostednetwork and ICS issue, no internet access

Solution 1:

Ok. Sharing and using hostednetwork can be a stress. This is how i've done it.
Using command line and powershell to achieve needed goals.
Sure it could be achieved with powershell only but hey ... probably later.

Save the following (BATCH FILE) file as a *.bat. Change accordingly where it reads


Save the second file (PS1 FILE) with name you supplied in previous step


Alter the first section of ps1 file and change adapters accordingly with your system

$wifi = "description='Broadcom 4313 802.11b/g/n'"
$ethernet = "description='Intel(R) 82577LC Gigabit Network Connection'"

You can get yours running the following command in powershell

Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapterconfiguration | select description

Its supposed to have only one connected interface either physical (ethernet) or wireless.

Run batch file as administrator.

Additionaly you can start the process from the windows explorer context menu for simplicity.
For that use the third file and save it as a reg and run it or alter manually from the sample
Needless to say that its necessary to alter where it reads


Enjoy. Cheers

-------------------------------------------- BATCH FILE

@echo off
echo Current Settings (netsh wlan show hostednetwork):
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | findstr -i status
rem echo               Current Settings
rem echo            ######################
rem echo .
echo SSID Name
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | findstr -i " ssid "
netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting=security
echo            ######################
echo            #                    #
echo            # Please select      #
echo            #                    #
echo            #   [E] Edit     #
echo            #   [S] Start    #
echo            #   [Q] Stop     #
echo            #   [V] View     #
echo            #                    #
echo            ######################
choice /C ESQV 
IF errorlevel 4 goto TetherView
IF errorlevel 3 goto TetherStop
IF errorlevel 2 goto TetherStart
IF errorlevel 1 goto TetherEdit
rem GOTO TetherEnd

echo "Please enter SSID:" 
set /p SSID=
echo "SSID Password"
set /p PassWord=
echo %SSID% %PassWord%
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=%SSID% key=%PassWord%
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
GOTO TetherEnd

netsh wlan start hostednetwork
powershell -file YOURPATH\ICS-Control.ps1 enable
GOTO TetherEnd

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
powershell -file YOURPATH\ICS-Control.ps1 disable
GOTO TetherEnd

netsh wlan show hostednetwork | findstr -i status
echo SSID Name
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | findstr -i " ssid "
netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting=security
echo Connected clients
arp -a | findstr -i 192.168.173 | findstr /V 255 | findstr /V
GOTO TetherEnd


--------------------------------------------PS1 FILE

#Change accordingly
$wifi = "description='Broadcom 4313 802.11b/g/n'"
$ethernet = "description='Intel(R) 82577LC Gigabit Network Connection'"

#Doesnt change so no need to alter. Detects what interface is connected (should be only one)
$netAdapter = get-wmiobject win32_networkadapter -filter "netconnectionstatus = 2" | select netconnectionid, name, InterfaceIndex, netconnectionstatus 
if ($netAdapter.netconnectionid -cmatch "Wi-Fi"){$publicAdapter = $wifi} else {$publicAdapter = $ethernet}
$privateAdapter = "description='Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter'"

Function Var1ICSenable
    $virtualAdapter = Get-WMIObject win32_networkadapterconfiguration | where {$_.ServiceName -eq "vwifimp"} | % {$_.GetRelated('win32_networkadapter')} | Select -ExpandProperty Name
    $vars1 = $privateAdapter
    $Adapter0 = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter $vars1 | select description
    $mAdapter3 = $Adapter0 -replace "@{description=",""
    $mAdapter3 = $mAdapter3 -replace "}","" 
    $mAdapter4 = "description='$mAdapter3'"
    $mAdapter5 = gwmi win32_networkadapter -Filter $mAdapter4 |select netconnectionid
    $mAdapter5 = $mAdapter5 -replace "@{netconnectionid=",""
    $global:mAdapter5 = $mAdapter5 -replace "}",""

Function Var2ICSenable
    $vars2 = $publicAdapter
    $Adapter1 = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter $vars2 | select description
    $mAdapter = $Adapter1 -replace "@{description=",""
    $mAdapter = $mAdapter -replace "}","" 
    $mAdapter1 = "description='$mAdapter'"
    $mAdapter2 = gwmi win32_networkadapter -Filter $mAdapter1 |select netconnectionid
    $mAdapter2 = $mAdapter2 -replace "@{netconnectionid=",""
    $global:mAdapter2 = $mAdapter2 -replace "}",""

function EnableDisableICS

    $bFound = $FALSE

    $oNetSharingManager = new-object -comobject HNetCfg.HNetShare
     if ($oNetSharingManager -eq $null)
            write-host "Unable to get the HNetCfg.HnetShare object."
    if ($oNetSharingManager.SharingInstalled -eq $null)
            write-host "Sharing is not available on this platform."

    $oConnectionCollection = $oNetSharingManager.EnumEveryConnection
    foreach ($oItem In $oConnectionCollection)
        $EveryConnection = $oNetSharingManager.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection($oItem)
        $objNCProps = $oNetSharingManager.NetConnectionProps($oItem)
        If ($ -eq $sPrivateConnectionName)
            $bFound = $True
            write-host "Setting ICS Private to " $bEnable " on connection: " $
            If ($bEnable -eq "true")

    $oConnectionCollection = $oNetSharingManager.EnumEveryConnection
    foreach ($oItem In $oConnectionCollection)
        $EveryConnection = $oNetSharingManager.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection($oItem)
        $objNCProps = $oNetSharingManager.NetConnectionProps($oItem)

        If ($ -eq $sPublicConnectionName)
           $bFound = $True
           write-host "Setting ICS Public to " $bEnable " on connection: " $
            If ($bEnable -eq "true")

    If ($bFound -eq $null)
       write-host "Unable to find the connection " + $sPublicConnectionName


Function EnableSharing
    #regsvr32 /s hnetcfg.dll

        # Variables to enable and disable ICS
        $global:firstICSvar = $global:mAdapter2
        $global:secondICSvar = $global:mAdapter5

    $benable = "true"
    $sPublicConnectionName = $global:firstICSvar
    $sPrivateConnectionName = $global:secondICSvar

    $mstr = $sPublicConnectionName + " " + $sPrivateConnectionName + " " + $bEnable
    EnableDisableICS $mstr

Function DisableSharing
    #regsvr32 /s hnetcfg.dll

        # Variables to enable and disable ICS
        $global:firstICSvar = $global:mAdapter2
        $global:secondICSvar = $global:mAdapter5

    $benable = "false"
    $sPublicConnectionName = $global:firstICSvar
    $sPrivateConnectionName = $global:secondICSvar

    $mstr = $sPublicConnectionName + " " + $sPrivateConnectionName + " " + $bEnable
    EnableDisableICS $mstr
    #write-host "TESTE" $mstr

    if ($args[0] -eq "enable"){EnableSharing}else{DisableSharing}

--------------------------------------------REG FILE

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Tether (Hosted Network)"

@="cmd.exe /c YOURPATH\BATCHFILE.bat"

Solution 2:

Because this post is so high in the search I'll repeat myself here, maybe it helps.

  1. As mentioned in several posts I've enabled the routing and remoting service.

but that was only part of the solution, the internet still didn't work. So when checking the hosted wireless adapter settings I noticed that the IP Address was static but there wasn't any DNS Server entry. So here comes part 2 of the solution.

  1. Edit hosted network IPv4 Settings. Enter a valid DNS Server (Use any open dns server available, e.g. google's is

That worked for me.