How can I use wildcards for sendmail TLS_Rcpt?

Make store ${cn_subject} with host part stripped in ${cn1_subject}.
It makes finishing the implementation almost trivial.

WARNING: Ask for opinions at news:comp.mail.sendmail before deploying it in not test environment. It MAY work but sendmail makes avoiding "unexpected side effects" MUCH MORE painstaking than I am ready to "invest". I "dry tested" it with sendmail-8.15.2.

access entry: fix to support above entry

WARNING: remember about TAB (\t) between RHS and LHS in R lines.
It is more dirty implementation via only.

R$*     $: $&{cn_subject}
R$-.$+  $@ $(macro {cn1_subject}  $@ $2 $)
R$*     $@ $(macro {cn1_subject}  $@ $)    

# Ruleset continued
R<CN1:$&{cn1_subject}> $* $| <$+>               $@ $>"TLS_req" $1 $| <$2>
R<CN1:$+> $* $| <$-:$+> $#error $@ $4 $: $3 " CN-1 " $&{cn_subject} " does not match " $1
ROK                     $@ OK


  1. Make Local_tls_rcpt rule-set store ${cn_subject} with "before first dot" part stripped in ${cn1_subject}
  2. Add checks of ${cn1_subject} triggered by CN1 prefix in "extra part" of TLS_req rule-set

Sample script to test it

# -C -- use non standard cf file
# -d60.5 -- trace (access) map lookus
# -d21.12 -- trace R lines rewriting 
sendmail -C -bt -d60.5 <<END
tls_rcpt [email protected]

This isn't exactly an answer to the question as posed, but it looks to me like you are doing things the hard way.

The Sendmail configuration was written in a way that prioritises ease and efficiency for the software parsing that configuration, not for easy configuration and maintenance by humans. There's simply been no good reason to do that in recent decades.

Sendmail was a horribly arcane relic 15 years ago. Some linux distribbutions still provide it by default, and that's fine if the default config works for you, but as soon as you find yourself doing anything that takes more than a few minutes, you're best to throw sendmail out and install a modern MTA.

About 15 years ago, qmail might still have been a sensible replacement, but for almost that long I've considered postfix a better choice. The documentation from the site is good once you find the bit you need. In your case you'll want for this problem.

I realise you'll quite likely have spent some time solving a few problems in sendmail already, but rather than throwing more time down that hole, switch at the earliest opportunity. If you ever look back you'll cringe.