Query grants for a table in postgres

How can I query all GRANTS granted to an object in postgres?

For example I have table "mytable":

GRANT UPDATE ON mytable TO user2 

I need somthing which gives me:

user2: UPDATE

Solution 1:

I already found it:

SELECT grantee, privilege_type 
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants 
WHERE table_name='mytable'

Solution 2:

\z mytable from psql gives you all the grants from a table, but you'd then have to split it up by individual user.

Solution 3:

The query below will give you a list of all users and their permissions on the table in a schema.

select a.schemaname, a.tablename, b.usename,
  HAS_TABLE_PRIVILEGE(usename, quote_ident(schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(tablename), 'select') as has_select,
  HAS_TABLE_PRIVILEGE(usename, quote_ident(schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(tablename), 'insert') as has_insert,
  HAS_TABLE_PRIVILEGE(usename, quote_ident(schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(tablename), 'update') as has_update,
  HAS_TABLE_PRIVILEGE(usename, quote_ident(schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(tablename), 'delete') as has_delete, 
  HAS_TABLE_PRIVILEGE(usename, quote_ident(schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(tablename), 'references') as has_references 
from pg_tables a, pg_user b 
where a.schemaname = 'your_schema_name' and a.tablename='your_table_name';

More details on has_table_privilages can be found here.

Solution 4:

If you really want one line per user, you can group by grantee (require PG9+ for string_agg)

SELECT grantee, string_agg(privilege_type, ', ') AS privileges
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants 
WHERE table_name='mytable'   
GROUP BY grantee;

This should output something like :

 grantee |   privileges   
 user1   | INSERT, SELECT
 user2   | UPDATE
(2 rows)

Solution 5:

This query will list all of the tables in all of the databases and schemas (uncomment the line(s) in the WHERE clause to filter for specific databases, schemas, or tables), with the privileges shown in order so that it's easy to see if a specific privilege is granted or not:

SELECT grantee
      ,string_agg(privilege_type, ', ' ORDER BY privilege_type) AS privileges
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants 
WHERE grantee != 'postgres' 
--  and table_catalog = 'somedatabase' /* uncomment line to filter database */
--  and table_schema  = 'someschema'   /* uncomment line to filter schema  */
--  and table_name    = 'sometable'    /* uncomment line to filter table  */
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4;

Sample output:

grantee |table_catalog   |table_schema  |table_name     |privileges     |
PUBLIC  |adventure_works |pg_catalog    |pg_sequence    |SELECT         |
PUBLIC  |adventure_works |pg_catalog    |pg_sequences   |SELECT         |
PUBLIC  |adventure_works |pg_catalog    |pg_settings    |SELECT, UPDATE |