how to close/restart phpstorm from command line

Solution 1:

All "processess" that are active can be seen with the "ps" command. From command line you can type ...

ps -ef | grep phpstorm

it will list all the process IDs

$ ps -ef| grep phpstorm
rinzwind  2819  2812  0 11:28 ?        00:00:00 phpstorm
rinzwind  2849  2820  0 11:29 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=phpstorm

The line with the "grep" is what you search for. The other one the executable. A simple ...

kill -9 2819

will stop "phpstorm".

A shorter method:

pgrep -f phpstorm

will list just the process ID and ...

kill -9 $(pgrep -f phpstorm)

will kill it.

Programs like "top" and "htop" can be used to list running processes.