How to setup VSFTPD for multiple users including adding specific directories

I wish to configure vsftpd in 11.10 so that when a user connects he is shown or redirected to a specific folder. The name of the folder is not related to the user or home folder. It is related to a folder in /var/www. For example:

If user cyrex logs in ftp he is redirected to /var/www/gamers or at least shown a gamers folder inside his home folder that redirects to /var/gamers. If user camelot logs in ftp he is redirected to /var/www/food or at least shown a food folder inside his home folder that redirects to /var/food. ...

The thing he should not leave his home folder and can only access folders inside his home folder that are redirected to other parts like the /var/www/FOLDERS.

UPDATE: In one way of configuration the user should see his home folder and also a folder that redirects him to /var/www/UserFolder. In another way of configuring VSFTPD the user should just be redirected to /var/www/UserFolder without even seeing his home folder, just the var/www specific to him. Can both methods be shown in one answer so I can test both to see which one is better.

What is the easier way to do this.

You just have to modify the startup call for vsftpd. The user_config_dir argument will tell the server to look for a configuration in the directory /etc/vsftpd_user_conf/luis if the user luis logs in. Analogously with any other user that logs in. I guess that if no configuration file is found the server will fallback to the default one.

Anyway, take a quick read at this manual page (which you can access too from the terminal with man vsftpd) :

This other guide can help you with using custom directories for your server: