So in mathematics, as far as I know, you can't divide 100% by 3, without having that 0,1..% left....

No! we can in Math and also in real life. This is similar to ask can we divide $1$ into 3 parts? And the answer is again yes. $$1÷3=\frac{1}{3}$$ because adding $\frac{1}{3}$ three times give $1$.

Consider 3 sticks of same length. Align these three sticks and call the total length as 1 unit. Now the length of any of the individual stick is exactly $\frac{1}{3}$ unit.

Moreover you can use the number system having base 3 to remove the (apparent) incompleteness of the base-ten expression $1÷3=0.333333333...$ In the number system having base 3, the number '3' itself will be written as $10$ and the number $1$ as it is.

The division $1÷3$ is now $1÷10$ which is equal to $0.1$. so you see writing (in base ten) $100÷3=33.333333$ does not mean that we cannot divide $100$ into three equal parts. What it means is that we are using a number system having $10$ base so we cannot write $\frac{100}{3}$ in decimals.

Meanwhile in ancient Greece...

For quite a long time, greek (and not only) mathematicians described numbers as lengths of certain line segments. So, when asked "What is $\sqrt{2}$ equal to?" they'd draw a $1\times1$ square (nevermind the unit), draw it's diagonal and say "There it is! This diagonal's length equals exactly $\sqrt{2}$!". So to answer your question: draw yourself a line, pick up a calliper, and divide this line 3 times. Like so:

dividing a line segment to 3 equal parts

And there you have it: 100% of a line segment divided into 3 equal parts. And if you ask "Yes, but what is this $\frac{1}{3}$ really equal to?" ancient philosopher would show you one of the parts and say "There it is! This segment's length equals exactly $\frac{1}{3}$!"