With iTunes DJ gone from iTunes 11, what's a good replacement solution?

I'm still adjusting it, but here is something that might actually be better than iTunes DJ on some aspects:

  • create a playlist with some rules approaching the way you were using iTunes DJ. Something like Rating > 3, not played in a month, live update based on least played or random or whatever you were using with iTunes DJ.
  • start playing
  • switch to Mini Player
  • turn on Up Next View and extend it vertically. You can alternatively show previously played using the clock icon.

What I like with this is the amount of interaction you have with the songs coming up. With a few clicks and remaining in that compact view, you can delete songs, add songs in the queue from genius recommendations. You can even bring up a full iTunes window on the side for drag and drop of additional songs or quick add (via alt-click) of songs to Up Next. Might take a little while to get used to it but it has potential.

my iTunes DJ replacement