What is the result of the following command? If there is more than one number listed then cron is running more than once which could cause this problem.

pgrep -l cron

By 'I have 4 tasks listing in /var/spool/cron/root', do you mean:

'I have 4 lines in root's crontab, all the same thing.'?

Please paste the output of 'crontab -l'. If it looks anything like:

6,36 * * * * python /usr/local/news.py >> /var/log/newlog
6,36 * * * * python /usr/local/news.py >> /var/log/newlog
6,36 * * * * python /usr/local/news.py >> /var/log/newlog
6,36 * * * * python /usr/local/news.py >> /var/log/newlog

That's definitely the problem :0