Joseph Kitchen's Calculus (reference)

Let me steal the fame from Dave L. Renfro and Mathemagician, and just format this in a more usable form:

(Renfro -- I've added bibliographic information for some reviews of these books.)

  • Ralph Palmer Agnew's Calculus. Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors (1962): amazon link; random PDF

Agnew reviewed by: Edwin George Eigel, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal 3 #8 (Spring 1963), 426; Eric John Fyfe Primrose, Mathematical Gazette 48 #363 (February 1964), 115-116; Robert C. Stewart, American Mathematical Monthly 71 #7 (Aug.-Sept. 1964), 810-811.

  • Tom Apostol (1991) Calculus: amazon link -- $200 is way too steep; random PDF vol 1, random PDF vol 2

Apostol reviewed by: Volume 1 Frederic Cunningham, American Mathematical Monthly 69 #5 (May 1962), 449-451; Yvonne Germaine Marie Chislaine Cuttle, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 6 #2 (May 1963), 306-307; Karl Menger, Scripta Mathematica 27 #3 (May 1965), 270-272; Ethan David Bolker, American Mathematical Monthly 77 #1 (January 1970), 88-89. Volume 2 Frederic Cunningham, American Mathematical Monthly 70 #5 (May 1963), 587-588.

  • Colin Whitcomb Clark's The Theoretical Side of Calculus (1972): amazon link which is obviously a wrong link

Clark reviewed by: Robert Patrick Webber, American Mathematical Monthly 81 #7 (Aug.-Sept. 1974), 795-796; Jon [Arnold?] Reed, Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift 27 #4 (1979), 164-165 (in Norwegian). Briefly mentioned in this article.

  • Courant/John's Introduction to Calculus and Analysis (1999): amazon vol 1, amazon vol II/1, amazon vol II/2; $170 for the three together. unverified PDF.

Courant/John reviewed by: (Volume 1) Robert Alexander Rankin, Mathematical Gazette 51 #376 (May 1967), 164-165.

  • Embry/Schell/Thomas' Calculus and Linear Algebra. An Integrated Approach (1972): amazon link

Embry/Schell/Thomas reviewed by: Norman Schaumberger, Mathematics Teacher 65 #6 (October 1972), 547; Rodney Tabor Hood, American Mathematical Monthly 80 #4 (April 1973), 453-454.

  • Hille's Analysis, Volume I (1964): amazon link; Analysis, Volume II (1966): amazon link

Hille reviewed by: (Volume I) Joseph Leo Doob, Science (N.S.) 147 #3662 (5 March 1965), 1135-1136; (Volume I) Donald Everett Richmond, American Mathematical Monthly 73 #1 (January 1966), 100-101; (Volume II) Judith Molinar Elkins, American Mathematical Monthly 76 #3 (March 1969), 319-320.

  • Robert Clark James' University Mathematics (1963): amazon UK link, online view

James reviewed by: Joseph Buffington Roberts, Mathematics Magazine 38 #1 (January 1965), 48-49; Arthur Louis Gropen, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal 4 #2 (Spring 1965), 83.

  • Kazimierz Kuratowski's Introduction to Calculus (1961): amazon link (with discussion that doing OCR on the 1923 book was not the greatest idea), PDF online

Kuratowski reviewed by: Frans Martin Djorup, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal 3 #8 (Spring 1963), 420; Raymond Charles Mjolsness, American Mathematical Monthly 71 #1 (January 1964), 111-112.

  • Spivak (2004) Calculus: amazon link, online PDF

Spivak reviewed by: Graham S. Smithers, Mathematical Gazette 52 #380 (May 1968), 181-182; David Marius Bressoud, American Mathematical Monthly 120 #6 (June-July 2013), 577-580 (simultaneous review with 4 other honors or otherwise distinctive texts).

I haven't read much of it yet, but here's the table of contents:

  1. Preliminaries

    • Sets and set operations
    • The real numbers as a field
    • The order axioms
    • Absolute values
    • Quantifiers
    • Logical connectives
    • Negation of quantified statements
    • The principle of finite induction
    • A deeper look at induction
  2. Analytic Geometry of Straight Lines and Curves

    • A synopsis of basic formulas
    • Distance and point of division; circles
    • Equations of straight lines
    • Slopes of lines
    • Applications to plane geometry
  3. Limits

    • Functions
    • Operations with functions
    • The limit concept for sequences
    • Proofs of the limit theorems
    • Limits of functions of a continuous variable
    • Continuity
  4. Techniques of Differentiation

    • Definition of a derivative
    • Tangents to curves
    • The differentiation of some basic functions
    • Differentiation of sums, products, and quotients
    • The chain rule
    • Operators and higher-order derivatives
    • Implicit differentiation
  5. Completeness of the Real Numbers

    • The least upper bound axiom and the Archimedean ordering property
    • The intermediate value theorem
    • Some theorems on sequences
    • The theorem on extreme values
    • Uniform continuity
  6. Mean-Value Theorems and Their Applications

    • A necessary condition for relative maxima and minima
    • The mean-value theorem
    • Significance of the first derivative
    • Sufficient conditions for relative extrema
    • The sign of the second derivative
    • Convexity
    • Approaches to infinity
  7. Antidifferentiation and its Applications

    • Antiderivatives
    • Finding antiderivatives
    • The Newton integral
    • Areas in rectangular coordinates
    • Areas in polar coordinates
    • Volumes
    • Path length
    • Moments and centroids
    • Miscellaneous applications to physics
  8. The Riemann Integral

    • Definite integrals and Riemann integrability
    • The Riemann integral as a limit of sums
    • Further properties of Riemann integrals
    • The fundamental theorem of calculus
    • A deeper look at areas
    • Necessary and sufficient conditions for Riemann integrability
  9. Transcendental Functions

    • General theory of inverse functions
    • The inverse trigonometric functions
    • Definitions and basic properties of the exponential and logarithmic functions
    • Further study of the exponential function
    • The hyperbolic functions
    • Some important limits
    • Some inequalities
    • An analytic treatment of the trigonometric functions
    • Euler's formula
  10. Techniques of Integration

    • Reduction to standard formulas
    • Integration by parts
    • Rational functions
    • Some standard substitutions
    • Wallis' product and Stirling's formula
  11. Higher-Order Mean-Value Theorem

    • L'Hopital's rule
    • Taylor's theorem
    • Polynomial interpolation
    • Numerical integration
    • Newton's method
  12. Plane Curves

    • The conics in central position
    • $\mathbb R^2$ as a vector space
    • Affine mappings of the plane
    • The general second-degree equation
    • A little more about vectors
    • Curvature of plane curves
  13. Infinite Series

    • A humble beginning
    • Series with nonnegative terms
    • Absolute versus conditional convergence
    • Double series
    • Pointwise versus uniform convergence
    • Power series
    • Real analytic functions
    • Fourier series
    • Infinite products

This book has now been published by Dover.