How to create downloading progress bar in ttk?
I want to show a progress bar while downloading a file from the web using the urllib.urlretrive
How do I use the ttk.Progressbar
to do this task?
Here is what I have done so far:
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
pb = ttk.Progressbar(root, orient="horizontal", length=200, mode="determinate")
But it just keeps looping.
For determinate mode you do not want to call start
. Instead, simply configure the value
of the widget or call the step
If you know in advance how many bytes you are going to download (and I assume you do since you're using determinate mode), the simplest thing to do is set the maxvalue
option to the number you are going to read. Then, each time you read a chunk you configure the value
to be the total number of bytes read. The progress bar will then figure out the percentage.
Here's a simulation to give you a rough idea:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class SampleApp(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.button = ttk.Button(text="start", command=self.start)
self.progress = ttk.Progressbar(self, orient="horizontal",
length=200, mode="determinate")
self.bytes = 0
self.maxbytes = 0
def start(self):
self.progress["value"] = 0
self.maxbytes = 50000
self.progress["maximum"] = 50000
def read_bytes(self):
'''simulate reading 500 bytes; update progress bar'''
self.bytes += 500
self.progress["value"] = self.bytes
if self.bytes < self.maxbytes:
# read more bytes after 100 ms
self.after(100, self.read_bytes)
app = SampleApp()
For this to work you're going to need to make sure you don't block the GUI thread. That means either you read in chunks (like in the example) or do the reading in a separate thread. If you use threads you will not be able to directly call the progressbar methods because tkinter is single threaded.
You might find the progressbar example on to be useful.
I simplified the code for you.
import sys
import ttk
from Tkinter import *
mGui = Tk()
mGui.title('Hanix Downloader')
mpb = ttk.Progressbar(mGui,orient ="horizontal",length = 200, mode ="determinate")
mpb["maximum"] = 100
mpb["value"] = 50
Replace 50 with the percentage of the download.
If you just want a progress bar to show that the program is busy/working just change the mode from determinate to indeterminate
pb = ttk.Progressbar(root,orient ="horizontal",length = 200, mode ="indeterminate")
Here's another simple example that also shows a progress bar moving. (I have simplified the examples given at
import Tkinter
import ttk
root = Tkinter.Tk()
pb = ttk.Progressbar(root, orient='horizontal', mode='determinate')
pb.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.TOP)
Modal dialog window with Progressbar for the bigger project
This example is a bit long, but tested on Python 3.6 and can be used in the bigger project.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Modal dialog window with Progressbar for the bigger project
import time
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import simpledialog
class MainGUI(ttk.Frame):
''' Main GUI window '''
def __init__(self, master):
''' Init main window '''
ttk.Frame.__init__(self, master=master)
self.master.title('Main GUI')
self.lst = [
'Bushes01.png', 'Bushes02.png', 'Bushes03.png', 'Bushes04.png', 'Bushes05.png',
'Forest01.png', 'Forest02.png', 'Forest03.png', 'Forest04.png', 'Road01.png',
'Road02.png', 'Road03.png', 'Lake01.png', 'Lake02.png', 'Field01.png']
b = ttk.Button(self.master, text='Start', command=self.start_progress)
def start_progress(self):
''' Open modal window '''
s = ProgressWindow(self, 'MyTest', self.lst) # create progress window
self.master.wait_window(s) # display the window and wait for it to close
class ProgressWindow(simpledialog.Dialog):
def __init__(self, parent, name, lst):
''' Init progress window '''
tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, master=parent) = name
self.lst = lst
self.length = 400
def create_window(self):
''' Create progress window '''
self.focus_set() # set focus on the ProgressWindow
self.grab_set() # make a modal window, so all events go to the ProgressWindow
self.transient(self.master) # show only one window in the task bar
self.title(u'Calculate something for {}'.format(
self.resizable(False, False) # window is not resizable
# self.close gets fired when the window is destroyed
self.protocol(u'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.close)
# Set proper position over the parent window
dx = (self.master.master.winfo_width() >> 1) - (self.length >> 1)
dy = (self.master.master.winfo_height() >> 1) - 50
self.geometry(u'+{x}+{y}'.format(x = self.master.winfo_rootx() + dx,
y = self.master.winfo_rooty() + dy))
self.bind(u'<Escape>', self.close) # cancel progress when <Escape> key is pressed
def create_widgets(self):
''' Widgets for progress window are created here '''
self.var1 = tk.StringVar()
self.var2 = tk.StringVar()
self.num = tk.IntVar()
self.maximum = len(self.lst)
self.tmp_str = ' / ' + str(self.maximum)
# pady=(0,5) means margin 5 pixels to bottom and 0 to top
ttk.Label(self, textvariable=self.var1).pack(anchor='w', padx=2)
self.progress = ttk.Progressbar(self, maximum=self.maximum, orient='horizontal',
length=self.length, variable=self.num, mode='determinate')
self.progress.pack(padx=2, pady=2)
ttk.Label(self, textvariable=self.var2).pack(side='left', padx=2)
ttk.Button(self, text='Cancel', command=self.close).pack(anchor='e', padx=1, pady=(0, 1))
def next(self):
''' Take next file from the list and do something with it '''
n = self.num.get()
self.do_something_with_file(n+1, self.lst[n]) # some useful operation
self.var1.set('File name: ' + self.lst[n])
n += 1
self.var2.set(str(n) + self.tmp_str)
if n < self.maximum:
self.after(500, # call itself after some time
self.close() # close window
def do_something_with_file(self, number, name):
print(number, name)
def close(self, event=None):
''' Close progress window '''
if self.progress['value'] == self.maximum:
print('Ok: process finished successfully')
print('Cancel: process is cancelled')
self.master.focus_set() # put focus back to the parent window
self.destroy() # destroy progress window
root = tk.Tk()
feedback = MainGUI(root)