animating addClass/removeClass with jQuery

Since you are not worried about IE, why not just use css transitions to provide the animation and jQuery to change the classes. Live example:

    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease;
    transition: all 0.5s ease;

Another solution (but it requires jQueryUI as pointed out by Richard Neil Ilagan in comments) :-

addClass, removeClass and toggleClass also accepts a second argument; the time duration to go from one state to the other.


See jsfiddle:-

You could use jquery ui's switchClass, Heres an example:

$( "selector" ).switchClass( "oldClass", "newClass", 1000, "easeInOutQuad" );

Or see this jsfiddle.

You just need the jQuery UI effects-core (13KB), to enable the duration of the adding (just like Omar Tariq it pointed out)

I was looking into this but wanted to have a different transition rate for in and out.

This is what I ended up doing:

.addedClass {
    background: #5eb4fc;

// js
function setParentTransition(id, prop, delay, style, callback) {
    $(id).css({'-webkit-transition' : prop + ' ' + delay + ' ' + style});
    $(id).css({'-moz-transition' : prop + ' ' + delay + ' ' + style});
    $(id).css({'-o-transition' : prop + ' ' + delay + ' ' + style});
    $(id).css({'transition' : prop + ' ' + delay + ' ' + style});
setParentTransition(id, 'background', '0s', 'ease', function() {

setTimeout(function() {
    setParentTransition(id, 'background', '2s', 'ease', function() {

This instantly turns the background color to #5eb4fc and then slowly fades back to normal over 2 seconds.

Here's a fiddle