What's a Good Rhythmbox Replacement?

Solution 1:

You can get around the one folder restriction by using symbolic links.
Say your music folder is ~/Music and you want to import ~/OtherMusic, you can put a symbolic link for ~/OtherMusic inside the ~/Music folder.

In a terminal: ln -s ~/OtherMusic ~/Music

You might need to restart your music player for it to notice the sym-link.

Solution 2:

Check this little gem out, http://exaile.org/ its goal is to be like amarok but runs natively in GTK.

Solution 3:

I would suggest to check out banshee media player


see in the page the tab features...

and it has ubuntu one integration too via plugins search in synaptic :


and it has a lot of plug-ins search in synaptic banshee

Solution 4:

Amarok used to be really good for features. Give it a shot.

Solution 5:

Exaile has a collection manager. You should be able to add as many media locations as you need for it to manage your collections.

Exaile Collection Manager