Fl Studio 12 no text?! Ubuntu 14.04

Alright, So i installed FL Studio 12 Demo on Ubuntu 14.04 today, and to my surprise when i opened it up using wine, there where no drop down menu text. does anyone know how to fix this bug/issue? advice would be much appreciated! p.s (just ask if you need any system info) Thanks!

enter image description here

You need to install the corefonts package

To do this:

  • Start winetricks
  • Select the default wineprefix
  • Choose 'install a font'
  • Select 'corefonts' and click ok.

You will need to be online for the packages to be downloaded.

Seems like font is missing. Download Courier(other) font and paste into you FL studio "font" folder.

Download Courier font : http://www.fontsupply.com/fonts/C/Courier.html

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUQoHrqNKuk

FL Studio 12 uses the Windows font "Arial" for its menus. It takes it from the windows fonts folder, which is located here: wine./drive_c/windows/fonts

All you have to do:

  1. Download any .ttf font file from anywhere (but make sure it looks like arial, so that it's easily readable)

  2. Copy it into the font folder (wine./drive_c/windows/fonts)

  3. Rename it to arial.ttf

FL Studio will find and use it. In my Wine installation, there were no fonts at all in this folder. I guess that's because the windows-fonts are not open source.

For FL studio 20 (most probably each previous version will also do the job) - you can link system fonts to "windows" fonts folder with this one-liner:

$ cd ${WINEPREFIX:-~/.wine}/drive_c/windows/Fonts && for i in /usr/share/fonts/**/*.{ttf,otf}; do ln -s "$i" ; done

On Arch/Manjaro - it worked out of the box - without trying any other solutions.