How do I find out the model of my graphics card?

I would like to know the model of my graphics card. I think it may be an ATI, but I want to be sure!

I have Ubuntu 11.10 (32 bit) and an Asus A6 VA laptop.

Open up "Terminal", and type: lspci | grep VGA

There, you'll find your GPU card's model.

For detailed information about your graphics card, usually including its make and model, run:

sudo lshw -C video

This might give the make and model name more often than lspci, but it is not guaranteed to give it (nor is lspci).

sudo lshw -C display is equivalent.

You can run this (either one) without sudo, but you're a little less likely to get as much information. Still, lshw -C video is a reasonable choice if you don't have administrative powers.

If you like, you can parse the output to get just the line with the model name:

sudo lshw -C video | grep product:

Or if you need to extract just the name (for example, for scripting purposes--but remember there isn't always anything to extract):

sudo lshw -C video | awk -F'product: ' '/product/{print $2}'

(Don't forget the space just after -Fproduct:, before the closing '.)

As an example: on my system, this gives:

M52 [Mobility Radeon X1300]

Sometimes lspci is not enough:

$ lspci -nn |egrep "VGA|Display" 

e.g.: you can end up with something like this:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2e32] (rev 03)

so then you can try to grep Xorg log:

$ grep -i chipset /var/log/Xorg.0.log

and dmesg

$ dmesg |grep -i agp

  1. run gnome-control-center (from a terminal, or in the main menu system settings)
  2. search for 'system' and open "System Info"
  3. You are done.