Usage of "w.r.t." in academic papers [closed]

Is it possible to use the abbreviation "w.r.t." in academic papers?

It's possible, but it's a bad idea. It's not part of the conventions of academic writing, so will typically be read as clashing in style with it.

In mathematics "w.r.t." is part of the standard jargon. It is not unusual to see it used (sparingly) in peer-reviewed journal articles.


With Regard To (or) with reference to

I think is supposed to be written in papers or letters in order to direct attention towards or to refer to something that was being discussed immediately before these words... OK?

Now, I think in technical or academic papers using "w.r.t" abbreviation for "With Regard To" may not be incorrect, but it may be misleading or ambiguous. As "w.r.t" may stand for something else as well. For Example it may stand for "Windowed Radon Transform" and if something like this is a part of the discussion, then use of such abbreviation is uncalled for.