How do I specify that a deb package should replace one with a different name?

I am creating a Debian package foo which needs to replace an existing package bar on systems on which it is installed.

I've read:

And concluded that the correct clauses in the DEBIAN/control should look like:

Provides: foo
Conflicts: bar
Replaces: bar

However, when I try to install the foo package on a system that already has bar installed, the system balks because foo conflicts with bar.

If I remove the Conflicts: bar entry then dpkg allows both packages to be installed side-by-side, which is a problem since foo must replace bar.

What are the proper control file clauses to achieve this?

I've tried Breaks instead of Conflicts:

dpkg: regarding foo_DEV-22._i386.deb containing foo:
 foo breaks bar
  bar (version is present and installed.
  bar provides bar and is present and installed.
dpkg: error processing foo_DEV-22._i386.deb (--install):
 installing foo would break existing software
Errors were encountered while processing:

Solution 1:

dpkg is a low level tool. To get the desired effect the package should be put into a repo and added to sources.list(5) then apt install foo will do the right thing.

Solution 2:

Why not to rename it the existent package beforehand and later replace it with the one you want?

To this end you have to methods/ways as per Debian official wiki page below: