Are there differences in the frequency certain champion/rare affixes occur?

As Ben says, there are three types of affixes. These are broken up as follows:

  • Strong CC (limit of one):
    • Knockback
    • Nightmarish
    • Vortex
  • Defensive (limit of one):
    • Avenger (Champion pack only)
    • Extra Health
    • Health Link (Champion pack only)
    • Horde (Boss only)
    • Illusionist
    • Missile Dampening (Boss only)
    • Invulnerable Minions (Boss only)
    • Shielding
    • Vampiric
  • Aggressive (no limit):
    • Arcane Enchanted
    • Descrator
    • Electrified
    • Fast
    • Fire Chains (Champion pack only)
    • Frozen
    • Jailer
    • Molten
    • Mortar
    • Plagued
    • Reflects Damage
    • Teleporter
    • Waller

So any affixes from the Aggressive category has a much higher chance of being seen, i.e. Mortar and Plagued, while an affix like Missile Dampening will only appear for Boss packs (not Champion packs) and only has a one in seven chance if they have a Defensive ability. This results in a much lower chance of being seen.

Note that while CC and defensive categories have a limit of one from each of them, that doesn't mean that a group must have one of each of them. I believe they can roll with only one of two, or even neither of the two, i.e. solely aggressive affixes.