How to Remap a Program to lock Windows (Win+L)
I'm trying to remap WinLock to something new. Basiclly i want to remove Win+L to lock Windows and add Win+L to Open a specific program to be opened. Any Help ? Thanks.
PS: currently i using #L::Run "C:\Program Files\program.exe" return to open a program but it also lock workstation.i found a way in Registry to disable the function of Win+L to lock Windows but i dont want to edit registry so i'm Curious if that can be done with autohotkey ?
Solution 1:
AHK can't intercept these Windows shortcuts.
If you don't want to edit registry values, I don't think there is a way to do this. The registry value is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System: DisableLockWorkstation
which if 1 will disallow locking the system entirely, with or without shortcut, and with 0 locking is allowed and shortcut Win+L will lock the system no matter what tries to intercept it. Commented (for those looking for a working Win+L solution but don't know AHK) code:
With registry editing:
; WARNING: Programs that use User32\LockWorkStation (i.e. programmatically locking the operating system) may not work correctly!
; This includes Windows itself (i.e. using start menu or task manager to lock will also not work).
; Script changes Win-L to show a msgbox and Ctrl-Alt-L to lock windows
; The following 3 code lines are auto-executed upon script run, the return line marks an end to the auto-executed code section.
; Register user defined subroutine 'OnExitSub' to be executed when this script is terminating
OnExit, OnExitSub
; Disable LockWorkStation, so Windows doesn't intercept Win+L and this script can act on that key combination
SetDisableLockWorkstationRegKeyValue( 1 )
MsgBox, Win-L was pressed! ; Arbitrary code here
; Ctrl-Alt-L
; Temporary enable locking
SetDisableLockWorkstationRegKeyValue( 0 )
; Lock
DllCall( "User32\LockWorkStation" )
; Disable locking again
SetDisableLockWorkstationRegKeyValue( 1 )
; Enable LockWorkStation, because this script is ending (so other applications aren't further disturbed)
SetDisableLockWorkstationRegKeyValue( 0 )
SetDisableLockWorkstationRegKeyValue( value )
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableLockWorkstation, %value%