Enter., Backspace and the navigation keys not responding in Visual Studio 2010 w/ Powertools/Resharper
I have this very annoying problem that in Razor Views the Enter, Backspace and the navigation keys frequently do not respond. I have to restart VS to get it back to normal again. Am I missing something?
Solution 1:
I had the same problem and solved it by saving the razor file (Ctrl + S). Once I did this I could use the Enter, Backspace and Navigation keys again.
I believe that Alt + Enter may also work.
I don't often get into this state and the above solution does not solve the underlying problem. I believe that it may have something to do with ReSharper but have not figured out if this assumption is true or not.
There are a number of pages that discuss this type of problem: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
Solution 2:
Please try deleting the hidden '.suo' config from the solution folder.
I know this thread was created some time ago, but this may be an useful tip for someone.
Solution 3:
This was happening to me in VS 2010, despite not using R#. After digging through those links @Ryan Spears put in his post I have come across a permanent solution Source. (Note that @Maffelu's solution did work for me, but it can switch back if I accidentally hit Left Alt + Shift).
This is also weird because Left Alt + Shift doesn't seem to change it back, so you have to go to the source: a key binding buried in the Windows Control Panel:
Control Panel > Region and Language > Keyboards and Languages > Change Keyboards > Advanced Key Settings > Change Key Sequence > Select "Not Assigned" for both Switching Input Language and Switch Keyboard Layout.