Complex Exchange 2010 to Office 365 Migration with multiple domains

I keep going around in circles when trying to plan a migration from Exchange 2010 to Office 365 with conflicting information and different opinions to which is the best migration method for my situation.

Consider this scenario and please advise....

A company has an AD domain and domain name,

Within, there is a single exchange 2010 server that hosts all the exchange roles for 300 users, also own and use several email domains such as, LMN,com and (which all are setup as accepted domains and MX/AutoDiscover records point to the same on-premise server).

Each user has an alias with another accepted domain set as their primary. Each users logs into Outlook and other domain authenticated services with their UPN.

30 mailbox users that use the domain as their primary alias want to move to office 365, followed by users of the a few weeks later, followed by a few weeks after that.

Finally will be required to route via the 365 environment where it should be set as an alias of the mailboxes (as it was on the on-premise server originally)

ADFS will need to be implemented to allow for account management via the local AD

What would be the best way to achieve this goal? Best Migration Path? Steps?

Would need to be registered as an accepted domain in office 365 to have ADFS and DirSync to work? - (I can't see it working without this but i need to ask)

As the DNS records cannot be changed until the very end of the migration, I assume, whilst migrating the accepted domains, in order to receive emails on both ABC and XYZ domains, both alias's will need to be configured in Outlook separately (i.e. [email protected] pointing to office 365 and [email protected] pointing to the on-premise server) - is this correct?

Please have a look on below given informative resources that might helps you to get in more details and lets you to get this job done:

Support for Multiple Top Level Domains:-

Setting up AD FS and Enabling Single Sign-On to Office 365:-

Directory synchronization roadmap:-

If you want to deploy hybrid, you need to deploy DirSync. Please refer to Exchange Server Deployment Assistant for further information according to your requirements it will create deployment instructions:-

Office 365: ADFS - Support for Multiple UPNs:-

Hope this helps!