64-bit TortoiseSVN on Windows 7 says "file or directory is corrupted and unreadable" then runs chkdsk [closed]

This is a known bug in Window 7, slated to be fixed in SP 1:


There is now a hotfix available:


I had the same problem (using MS Security Essentials). I 'think' it might have something to do with the AV programs monitoring program activity. It seems like that MS SE 'thinks' a malicious script is running and it stops it.

I tried disabling 'Monitor file and program activity on your computer' in 'Real-time protection' and it seemed to solve the problem.

From there, I did some other testing and found that I could leave the option on and still have successful checkouts by configuring 'Excluded Processes' to include "C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" "C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TSVNCache.exe"

Either method seems to have worked for me so far. (I've been able to do large check-outs consistently since I've changed the options.) I prefer the 2nd, so that MS SE still monitors for potential malicious activity anyway.