Is there a software that periodically lets me do mental arithmetic exercises?

I am aware of my lazy nature and need to push myself towards doing some basic mental arithmetic from time to time. Therefore, I am looking for a software that periodically asks me to do a short mental arithmetic exercise (plus, minus, multiply, divide).


  • It should allow me to customise the interval time
  • It should integrate in the Ubuntu Desktop, i.e. be hidden in the background and only show up (pop-up) during exercise time

1. Straightforward version

The script below will produce assignments at random, +, -, × and ÷. You can (and should) set a maximum number the script may use, as well as the time interval between the assignments.

The assignments

The assignments are presented in a Zenity entry window:

enter image description here

if the answer is wrong:

enter image description here

If the answer is correct:

enter image description here

The script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from random import randint
import sys
import subprocess
import time

# maximum number & interval
max_n = int(sys.argv[1]); pause = int(sys.argv[2])

def fix_float(n):
    if the assignment is a division, the script divides the random number by a
    number (integer) it can be divided by. it looks up those numbers, and picks
    one of them (at random). if the number is a prime number the assignment is
    changed into another type
        divs = [i for i in range(2, n) if n%i == 0]
        pick = randint(1, len(divs))
        div_by = divs[pick-1]
        return [str(n)+" : "+str(div_by), int(n/div_by)]
    except (ValueError, IndexError):

def get_assignment():
    get a random number within the user defined range, make the assignment and
    the textual presentation
    n1 = randint(2, max_n); n2 = randint(2, max_n)
    assignments = [
        [str(n1)+" + "+str(n2), n1+n2],
        [str(n1)+" - "+str(n2), n1-n2],
        [str(n1)+" x "+str(n2), n1*n2],
    # pick an assignment (type) at random
    assignment = assignments[randint(0, 3)]
    # if the random number is a prime number and the assignment a division...
    assignment = assignment if assignment != None else assignments[1]
    # run the interface job
        answer = int(subprocess.check_output(["/bin/bash", "-c",
            'zenity --entry --title="Think hard:" --text='+'"'+assignment[0]+'"'
        if answer == assignment[1]:
            subprocess.Popen(["notify-send", "Coolcool"])
                "notify-send", "Oooops, "+assignment[0]+\
                " = "+str(assignment[1])])
    except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, ValueError):

while True:

How to use

  1. Copy the script into an empty file, save it as
  2. Run it with the maximum allowed number and the interval time (in seconds) between the assignments as arguments:

    python3 /path/to/ <max_number> <interval>


    python3 /path/to/ 1000 300

    to do calculations up to figures of 1000, with a 5 minute break in between the assignments.

  3. If all works fine, you can add it to startup applications the usual way, or a launcher to toggle can be made, which I might add later :)


  • The dividing might need some explanation. You'd probably not like to calculate in floats. Therefore, if the assignment is a division, the script looks up the numbers it can be divided by, and picks one (at random). If the (main) number turns out to be a prime number, the assignment is changed into another type.

2. More options

Once you start calculating, you will find out that dividing up to figures of (let's say) 100 is much easier than multiplying figures up to 100.

With the script below you can (and should) set the maximum of the numbers per exercise type (see instructions below the script).

The script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from random import randint
import sys
import subprocess
import time

levels = sys.argv[1:]
pause = [int(arg.replace("p:", "")) for arg in levels if "p:" in arg][0]

def fix_float(n):
    if the assignment is a division, the script divides the random number by a
    number (integer) it can be divided by. it looks up those numbers, and picks
    one of them (at random). if the number is a prime number the assignment is
    changed into another type
        divs = [i for i in range(2, n) if n%i == 0]
        pick = randint(1, len(divs))
        div_by = divs[pick-1]
        return [str(n)+" : "+str(div_by), int(n/div_by)]
    except (ValueError, IndexError):

def get_assignment():
    get a random number within the user defined range, make the assignment and
    the textual presentation
    # pick an assignment (type) at random
    track = randint(0, 3)
    arg = ["a:", "s:", "m:", "d:"][track]
    max_n = [int(item.replace(arg, "")) for item in levels if arg in item][0]

    n1 = randint(2, max_n); n2 = randint(2, max_n)
    assignments = [
        [str(n1)+" + "+str(n2), n1+n2],
        [str(n1)+" - "+str(n2), n1-n2],
        [str(n1)+" x "+str(n2), n1*n2],
    assignment = assignments[track]     
    # if the random number is a prime number and the assignment a division...
    assignment = assignment if assignment != None else assignments[1]
    # run the interface job
        answer = int(subprocess.check_output(["/bin/bash", "-c",
            'zenity --entry --title="Think hard:" --text='+'"'+assignment[0]+'"'
        if answer == assignment[1]:
            subprocess.Popen(["notify-send", "Coolcool"])
                "notify-send", "Oooops, "+assignment[0]+\
                " = "+str(assignment[1])])
    except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, ValueError):

while True:

How to use

  • Setup the script exactly like the first one, but run it with the arguments (in any order, the script will link the right arguments to the right item):

    • p: pause (break between the assignments, in seconds))
    • s: subtract (max number to calculate with)
    • a: add (max number)
    • m: multiply (max number)
    • d: divide (max number)

    For example:

    python3 '/home/jacob/Desktop/' a:10 d:100 s:10 m:10 p:300

    to show an exercise every five minutes, numbers up to 10, except dividing up to figure 100.

3. Let's get carried away a bit

Being able to see some statistics

The version below shows you the statistics after every 10 exercises:

enter image description here

Additionally (might be usefull when used for children), you can see what went wrong in the last 100 incorrectly answered exercises. In a hidden file, both the assignments and their (incorrect) answers are written:

enter image description here

This logfile is located:


The script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from random import randint
import sys
import subprocess
import time
import os

log = os.environ["HOME"]+"/.calculog"

levels = sys.argv[1:]
pause = [int(arg.replace("p:", "")) for arg in levels if "p:" in arg][0]

def fix_float(n):
    if the assignment is a division, the script divides the random number by a
    number (integer) it can be divided by. it looks up those numbers, and picks
    one of them (at random). if the number is a prime number the assignment is
    changed into another type
        divs = [i for i in range(2, n) if n%i == 0]
        pick = randint(1, len(divs))
        div_by = divs[pick-1]
        return [str(n)+" : "+str(div_by), int(n/div_by)]
    except (ValueError, IndexError):

def get_assignment():
    get a random number within the user defined range, make the assignment and
    the textual presentation
    # pick an assignment (type) at random
    track = randint(0, 3)
    arg = ["a:", "s:", "m:", "d:"][track]
    max_n = [int(item.replace(arg, "")) for item in levels if arg in item][0]

    n1 = randint(2, max_n); n2 = randint(2, max_n)
    assignments = [
        [str(n1)+" + "+str(n2), n1+n2],
        [str(n1)+" - "+str(n2), n1-n2],
        [str(n1)+" x "+str(n2), n1*n2],
    assignment = assignments[track]     
    # if the random number is a prime number and the assignment a division...
    assignment = assignment if assignment != None else assignments[1]
    # run the interface job
        answer = int(subprocess.check_output(["/bin/bash", "-c",
            'zenity --entry --title="Think hard:" --text='+'"'+assignment[0]+'"'
        if answer == assignment[1]:
            subprocess.Popen(["notify-send", "Coolcool"])
            return "ok"
                "notify-send", "Oooops, "+assignment[0]+\
                " = "+str(assignment[1])])
            open(log, "+a").write(assignment[0]+"\t\t"+str(answer)+"\n")
                history = open(log).read().splitlines()
                open(log, "wt").write(("\n").join(history[-100:])+"\n")     
            except FileNotFoundError:
            return "mistake"
    except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, ValueError):
        return None

results = []
while True:
    if len(results) >= 10:
        score = results.count("ok")[
            "zenity", "--info",
            '--title=Latest scores',
            '--text='+str(score)+' out of 10',
        results = []

How to use

Usage is pretty much exactly like option 2, but you'll have the logfile available and the scores after every 10 assignments.

4. Ultimate version

The version below is like option 3 (including log file and reports), but has some additional features:

  • adds calculating square root

    enter image description here

  • adds using a range of numbers, instead of simply set a maximum

  • adds the option to only run specific calculation types (e.g. only divide and multiply).
  • remembers the arguments it was run with the last time, when run without arguments (only first time, arguments must be set). If no arguments were set on first run, the script sends a message:

    enter image description here

The script

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from random import randint
import sys
import subprocess
import time
import os

Use this script to practice head count. Some explanation might be needed:
The script can be used for the following types of calculating:

Type          argument example      explanation
add           a:30-100              to add in numbers from 30-100
subtract      s:10-100              to subtract in numbers from 10-100
multiply      m:10-20               to multiply in numbers from 10-20
divide        d:200-400             to divide in numbers from 200-400
square root   r:1-1000              to find square root in numbers from 1-1000

- The argument p: (pause in seconds; break between the assignments) *must* be
  set, for example: p:300 to launch an assignment every 5 minutes
- A calculation type will only run *if* the argument is set for the
  corresponding type. An example: python3 /path/to/script p:60 s:30-60
  will run a subtract- assignment every minute.

Miscellaneous information:
- On first run, arguments *must* be set. After first run, when no arguments
  are used the last set arguments will run, until the script is run with a new
  set of arguments.
- A log file of the last 100 incorrectly answered questions is kept in
- After 10 assignments, the score of the last 10 pops up.

log = os.environ["HOME"]+"/.calculog"
prefs = os.environ["HOME"]+"/.calcuprefs"
levels = sys.argv[1:]

if levels:
    open(prefs, "wt").write(str(levels))
        levels = eval(open(prefs).read())
    except FileNotFoundError:[
            "zenity", "--info",
            '--title=Missing arguments',
            '--text=On first run, the script needs to be run with arguments\n'

def fix_float(n):
    if the assignment is a division, the script divides the random number by a
    number (integer) it can be divided by. it looks up those numbers, and picks
    one of them (at random). if the number is a prime number the assignment is
    changed into another type
        divs = [i for i in range(2, n) if n%i == 0]
        pick = randint(1, len(divs))
        div_by = divs[pick-1]
        return [str(n)+" : "+str(div_by), int(n/div_by)]
    except (ValueError, IndexError):

def fix_sqr(f1, f2):
    If the assignment is calculating a square root, this function finds the sets
    of numbers (integers) that make a couple, within the given range.
    q = f1; r = q**(.5); sets = []
    while q < f2:
        r = q**(.5)
        if r == int(r):
            sets.append([int(r), int(q)])
        q = q+1
    if sets:
        pick = sets[randint(0, len(sets)-1)]
        return ["√"+str(pick[1]), pick[0]]

def get_assignment():
    get a random number within the user defined range, make the assignment and
    the textual presentation
    args = ["a:", "s:", "m:", "d:", "r:"]
    indc = []
    for i, item in enumerate(args):
        if item in str(levels):

    index = indc[randint(0, len(indc)-1)]
    name = args[index]

    minmax = [
        [int(n) for n in item.replace(name, "").split("-")] \
        for item in levels if name in item][0]

    assignment = None
    # if the random number is a prime number *and* the assignment a division 
    # or a square root...
    while assignment == None:
        n1 = randint(minmax[0], minmax[1]); n2 = randint(minmax[0], minmax[1])
        assignment = [
            [str(n1)+" + "+str(n2), n1+n2],
            [str(n1)+" - "+str(n2), n1-n2],
            [str(n1)+" x "+str(n2), n1*n2],
            fix_sqr(minmax[0], minmax[1]),
    # run the interface job
        answer = int(subprocess.check_output(["/bin/bash", "-c",
            'zenity --entry --title="Think hard:" --text='+'"'+assignment[0]+'"'
        if answer == assignment[1]:
            subprocess.Popen(["notify-send", "Coolcool"])
            return "ok"
                "notify-send", "Oooops, "+assignment[0]+\
                " = "+str(assignment[1])])
            open(log, "+a").write(assignment[0]+"\t\t"+str(answer)+"\n")
                history = open(log).read().splitlines()
                open(log, "wt").write(("\n").join(history[-100:])+"\n")     
            except FileNotFoundError:
            return "mistake"
    except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, ValueError):
        return None

if levels:
    pause = [int(arg.replace("p:", "")) for arg in levels if "p:" in arg][0]
    [levels.remove(item) for item in levels if "p:" in item]
    results = []
    while True:
        if len(results) >= 10:
            score = results.count("ok")
                "zenity", "--info",
                '--title=Latest scores',
                '--text='+str(score)+' out of 10',
            results = []

How to use

  • Copy the script into an empty file, save it (again) as Run it with the following options (as examples)

    Must be set:

    p:300                to set the interval between assignments to 5 minutes

    Optional (make a selection):

    a:30-100             to add in numbers from 30-100 (optional)
    s:10-100             to subtract in numbers from 10-100
    m:10-20              to multiply in numbers from 10-20
    d:200-400            to divide in numbers from 200-400
    r:1-1000             to find square root in numbers from 1-1000
  • Example command:

    python3 '/path/to/' p:300 d:10-100 s:10-30  r:300-600

    to set:

    p:300                to set the interval between assignments to 5 minutes
    d:10-100             to divide in numbers from 10-100
    s:10-30              to subtract in numbers from 10-30
    r:300-600            to calculate square roots from 300-600

    while adding and multiplying are not used.

Then the next time, if the script is run with:

python3 '/path/to/'

It will remember the last used arguments

Use the version that serves your needs best...


The following application produces random integer expressions to be evaluated by the user. The range of randomly-generated expressions depends on user's settings in the main popup window. Upon clicking Lets Begin button, the session starts indefinitely, until the user hits Cancel button.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Source Code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Author: Serg Kolo
# Date: Jan 30,2016
# Purpose: A graphical utility for practicing
#          random arithmetic operations
# Written for:

#    Copyright: Serg Kolo , 2016
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import sys
import time
import random
from PyQt4 import QtGui

class mathApp(QtGui.QWidget):
   def __init__(self):

   def mainMenu(self):
      self.setGeometry(300, 300, 400, 200)

      self.btn = QtGui.QPushButton("Let's begin",self)

      self.lbl1 = QtGui.QLabel(self)
      self.lbl1.setText("Numbers From")

      self.lbl2 = QtGui.QLabel(self)
      self.lbl2.setText("Numbers To")

      self.lbl2 = QtGui.QLabel(self)
      self.lbl2.setText("Repeat (seconds)")

      self.le1 = QtGui.QLineEdit(self)

      self.le2 = QtGui.QLineEdit(self)

      self.le3 = QtGui.QLineEdit(self)

      self.lbl3 = QtGui.QLabel(self)

      self.setWindowTitle('Random Integer Arithmetic')

   def askQuestions(self):
       rangeStart = int(self.le1.text())
       rangeEnd = int(self.le2.text())
       sleepTime = int(self.le3.text())
       while not done:

          expression = self.generateOperation(rangeStart,rangeEnd)
          correctAnswer = eval(expression)

          prompt = QtGui.QInputDialog() 
          text,ok = prompt.getText(self,"Don't think too hard",expression) 
          if ok:
             if int(text) == correctAnswer:                
                self.showAnswer("CORRECT,YOU ROCK !")
             else :

          if done==True:

   def generateOperation(self,start,end):
      a = random.randint(start,end)
      b = random.randint(start,end)
      oplist = ['+','-','/','*']
      op = oplist[random.randint(0,3)]
      expr = str(a) + op + str(b) + ''
      return expr

   def showAnswer(self,result):
       popup = QtGui.QMessageBox()

def main():
   root = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
   app = mathApp()

if __name__ == '__main__':