What are Enderman doing in the Overworld, and why are they not in The Nether [closed]

A simple explanation...

Travel between dimensions in Minecraft is always mediated by portals. Gaining access to The Nether requires that you build a Nether Portal out of obsidian blocks, and since Endermen can't move obsidian blocks, they can't build the portal to get there.

However, movement between The End and The Overworld is possible for Endermen because:

  1. End Portals already exist by default in Overworld Strongholds.
  2. The Ender Dragon has the ability to create a portal leading from The End to The Overworld, as evidenced when it is killed by the player.
  3. Also, Endermen just spawn normally in the Overworld. If you were to stand on one side of a nether portal with an enderman on the other side and look at him, he would walk forward and travel to the nether, which mobs can do as of 1.4.2.