How can I resize NTFS partition in GParted?

I turned on the PC and didn't realize it didn't have the Ubuntu CD in so it tried to boot into Windows. When I came back to it I realized it had started running chkdsk, because before I couldn't boot into safe mode I scheduled it to run chkdsk. After it completed the Vista partition no longer had an exclamation mark next to it and I am able to shrink it. It's currently shrinking now and its been on the real resize stage for a while but apparently it's normal if it takes a long time. (Extra info: I did cancel it because I didn't think anything was happening but it messed up the partition. Somehow chkdsk was scheduled again so I was able to resize it again. I'll be sure not to cancel it this time.)

So if anyone else has this problem, run chkdsk /r at Safe Mode with Command Prompt, or the recovery console if you have it (I don't).

Firs try this from within Ubuntu (In the terminal):

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda3

It will try to fix as much as it can. If it does fix the problems the do the following before the disk dies on you:

sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs

which should give you support for NTFS filesystem in Gparted.

Then just open gparted and resize/check the filesystem. This is all assuming that the check with ntfsfix went fine and the check with gparted did also.

If both go bad and you still can not boot with the ntfs partition I suggest looking for another PC than you can connect the hard drive, fix the problem there or do a backup.