How to detect which .NET runtime is being used (MS vs. Mono)?

I would like to know during execution of a program whether it is being executed using the Mono runtime or the Microsoft runtime.

I'm currently using the following code to determine whether I'm on a MS CLR:

static bool IsMicrosoftCLR()
    return RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory().Contains("Microsoft");

However, this is somewhat dependent on the installation folder of the runtime and I'm not sure whether this will work on all installations.

Is there a better way to check for the current runtime?

Solution 1:

From the Mono Project's Guide to Porting Winforms Applications:

public static bool IsRunningOnMono ()
    return Type.GetType ("Mono.Runtime") != null;

I'm sure you'll have a lot more questions, so worth checking this guide and the mono-forums

Solution 2:

You can check for the Mono Runtime Like this

bool IsRunningOnMono = (Type.GetType ("Mono.Runtime") != null);

Solution 3:

With the advent of C# 6, this can now be turned into a get-only property, so the actual check is only done once.

internal static bool HasMono { get; } = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null;