How do I control window placement in KDE with keyboard?

Is it possible in KDE to set up keyboard shortcuts similar to what Unity uses for window placement - i.e. Alt - Ctrl - Numpad 6 to make a window occupy the left half of the screen etc.?

Solution 1:

More precisely:

  1. System Settings -> Shortcuts and Gestures -> Global Keyboard Shortcuts
  2. KDE component: KWin ▼
  3. Quick Tile Window to the Left etc.

There is also somewhat interesting Enable/Disable Tiling, which defaults to Alt+Shift+F11. Unfortunately I could not figure out how to move tile a window so that it consumes top or bottom of the screen, but other hotkeys can be used to achieve that.

Solution 2:

The KDE global keyboard shortcuts: System Settings > Shortcuts and Gestures > Global Keyboard Shortcuts. Pick the KWIN as the KDE component. You could set the keyboard shortcuts to the window position/tiling etc...