What is the difference between disseminate and distribute

The original confusion arose when I read the following sentence. --> you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its contents, is strictly prohibited.

In this context, how do meanings of dissemination and distribution differ from each other? I look them up in dictionary, they both seem to mean "to scatter", so I am confused.

From dictionary: Disseminate To scatter widely, as in sowing seed. ;To spread abroad; promulgate: disseminate information. ;To sow and scatter principles, ideas, opinions, and errors for growth and propagation, such as seed

Distribute To deliver or pass out; To spread or diffuse over an area; scatter

I think of disseminating as focusing on the information, or content, being released, regardless of format.

I think of distribution as the issuing/sharing of a discrete media or material, that has the information/content, but the focus is more on the media or distribution method.