How do I get the latest list of packages?

I pushed an RPM into a remote repo, but yum list doesn't yet show the package yet.

I verified the above by going to the remote website http:repo.

When I do yum update, it says no packages to update all are up to date.

How do I tell yum to pull a new list from the remote?

By default yum caches metadata for its repositories (the default time is 90 minutes but can be changed).

If you erase the cached metadata, then yum will fetch it again on its next run.

yum clean metadata

Usually the repo metadata is updated by createrepo(8). It is possible that the remote end have not yet run that and is serving outdated metadata.

But anyway, to tell yum to update local metadata, do yum makecache, or yum makecache fast:

          Is  used  to  download  and make usable all the metadata for the
          currently enabled yum repos. If the argument "fast"  is  passed,
          then  we just try to make sure the repos. are current (much like
          "yum clean expire-cache").