Why default constructor is required in a parent class if it has an argument-ed constructor?

Why default constructor is required(explicitly) in a parent class if it has an argumented constructor

class A {    
  A(int i){    

class B extends A {

class Main {    
  public static void main(String a[]){
    B b_obj = new B();

This will be an error.

Solution 1:

There are two aspects at work here:

  • If you do specify a constructor explicitly (as in A) the Java compiler will not create a parameterless constructor for you.

  • If you don't specify a constructor explicitly (as in B) the Java compiler will create a parameterless constructor for you like this:


(The accessibility depends on the accessibility of the class itself.)

That's trying to call the superclass parameterless constructor - so it has to exist. You have three options:

  • Provide a parameterless constructor explicitly in A
  • Provide a parameterless constructor explicitly in B which explicitly calls the base class constructor with an appropriate int argument.
  • Provide a parameterized constructor in B which calls the base class constructor

Solution 2:

Why default constructor is required(explicitly) in a parent class if it has an argumented constructor

I would say this statement is not always correct. As ideally its not required.

The Rule is : If you are explicitly providing an argument-ed constructer, then the default constructor (non-argumented) is not available to the class.

For Example :   
class A {    
  A(int i){    

class B extends A {

So when you write

B obj_b = new B();

It actually calls the implicit constructor provided by java to B, which again calls the super(), which should be ideally A(). But since you have provided argument-ed constructor to A, the default constructor i:e A() is not available to B().

That's the reason you need A() to be specifically declared for B() to call super().