log format ignored for frontend 'http-in' since it has no log address

I'm using the following haproxy.cfg from the couchdb project:

        maxconn 512
        spread-checks 5

        mode http
        log global
        monitor-uri /_haproxy_health_check
        option log-health-checks
        option httplog
        balance roundrobin
        option forwardfor
        option redispatch
        retries 4
        option http-server-close
        timeout client 150000
        timeout server 3600000
        timeout connect 500

        stats enable
        stats scope .
        stats uri /_stats

frontend http-in
         # This requires HAProxy 1.5.x
         # bind *:$HAPROXY_PORT
         bind *:5984
         default_backend couchdbs

backend couchdbs
        server couchdb1 check inter 5s
        server couchdb2 check inter 5s
        server couchdb3 check inter 5s

However, I see the following in the haproxy.log file:

[WARNING] 244/190008 (3040) : config : log format ignored for frontend
            'http-in' since it has no log address.

What does this WARNING actually mean?

My haproxy version is:

# haproxy --version
HA-Proxy version 1.5.8 2014/10/31

Solution 1:

It is upset because the config file says to use the "log specified in [global]" (which is the log global statement), but the global section does not contain any log specifications.

To fix this problem, put log local0 (or your favorite syslog server and facility), as described here