How to raise max no of file descriptors for daemons running on Debian Jessie?

You can use "ulimit" in the "start" section of the pgbouncer init script:


    [... snip ...]
    case "$1" in
        # Check if we are still disabled in /etc/default/pgbouncer
        [ "${START:-}" = "0" ] && exit 0
        log_daemon_msg "Starting PgBouncer" $NAME
        test -d $PIDDIR || install -d -o postgres -g postgres -m 2775 $PIDDIR

        ### set whatever limits you want ###
        ulimit -n 20000

        $SSD --start --chuid $RUNASUSER --oknodo -- $OPTS 2> /dev/null
        log_end_msg $?
    [... snip ...]

With this line added, effects should take place after a restart:

Do this, or you get yelled at:

# systemctl daemon-reload


# /etc/init.d/pgbouncer restart


My original answer, which showed you can add "ulimit" to the init script, works on Debian 8. Even though Deb8 is a systemd distro, it appears the default install of pgbouncer still uses the init script.

For Centos7, which manages pgbouncer completely with systemd, you want to use a systemd.service file.

First off, there appears to be a bug in the default service file for pgbouncer on Centos7, where you need to have "Type=forked" be "Type=simple".

In the pgbouncer.service file, you can also add a "LimitNOFILE=##" in the [Service] section... thus


    ## good practice to include the default service file as it may change with future updates
    .include /lib/systemd/system/pgbouncer.service

    ## change the Type= per this bug
    ##[email protected]

    ## Add a service section and set the max number of open files

It may be worth verifying that the max number of open files is the bottleneck. You can check your logs for, essentially, "too many open files" error messages. In each case where I exceeded the max number of allowed open files, the process complained...


ERROR S: login failed: FATAL: could not open relation mapping file (...): Too many open files in system
ERROR S: login failed: FATAL: could not open file (...): Too many open files in system
ERROR S: login failed: FATAL: pipe() failed: Too many open files in system
WARNING sbuf_connect failed: Too many open files in system


LOG:  out of file descriptors: Too many open files in system; release and retry
PANIC:  could not open file (...): Too many open files in system
LOG:  server process (...) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted
DETAIL:  Failed process was running: END;
LOG:  terminating any other active server processes

We don't need to worry about available FDs for pgbench because if they're aren't enough, pgbench won't run:

$ ulimit -S -n 100
$ pgbench -h -p 6432 -U postgres -d booktown -c 200 -t 10000
You need at least 202 open files but you are only allowed to use 100.
Use limit/ulimit to increase the limit before using pgbench.