Where to find a specific LaTeX symbol

The symbol I'm looking for can have several names, I want to use for "contraction" (of a measure and a set).

It should look like the lower left half of \square, that is, like \llcorner but bigger. I've found different packages containing the symbol, but none of them seems to be compatible with amssymb.

Does anybody know where to find such a symbol? Thanks

Solution 1:

You can use Detexify to recognize symbols name, and then just google for it.

Solution 2:

I would begin with the Comprehensive LaTex Symbols list from CTAN. Are you looking for something like \niv ? (check out page 60 of the symbols-letter.pdf.) It's in the Natural mATHematics notation package form CTAN.

More on \niv from the nath guide, pg 9:

Nath introduces \vin and \niv as names of the im- portant symbols ‘_ |’ and ‘| _ ’ not included in any standard math font.