Can cryptsetup read mappings from /etc/crypttab?

Solution 1:

You can use

sudo systemctl start systemd-cryptsetup@<name>

instead of

cryptsetup luksOpen UUID=... <name>

when you have an entry as follows in your /etc/crypttab:

<name> UUID=... none noauto

It will prompt you for the passphrase if needed.

The corresponding unit file is generated automatically by systemd-cryptsetup-generator.

You can list all generated unit files using

systemctl list-unit-files| grep systemd-cryptsetup

Solution 2:

Have a look at cryptdisks_start and cryptdisks_stop, they do exactly that.

# cryptdisks_start <name>
# mount <mountpoint>
# umount <mountpoint>
# cryptdisks_stop <name>