Bash script -- store `curl` output in variable, then format against string in variable

I was hoping to curl data into a shell script variable, then use cat or awk to operate on that variable as if it was a file.

Is this possible, or is there a workaround? Do I have to save the curl command into a file?

Do I have to run curl several times, for each bit of string formatting I want to do?

I am curling, and want to output the matching lines for "city" and "region". I know how to use awk and sed to format the output as desired.

Try for example, curl"" for the result for a Google DNS IP address.

I'd like to print just "Mountain View" and "California," preferably on the same line, with some common formatting, like "Mountain View, California".

Solution 1:

In general there are more appropriate ways of parsing JSON objects, but since in this case the JSON object is very simple you may store curl's output in a variable (which is possible) and just use AWK:

var="$(curl"" 2>/dev/null)"
<<<"$var" awk -F'"' '$2=="city"{printf("%s, ", $4)}$2=="region"{print $4}'
% var="$(curl"" 2>/dev/null)"
% <<<"$var" awk -F'"' '$2=="city"{printf("%s, ", $4)}$2=="region"{print $4}'
Mountain View, California

However unless you want to use curl's output multiple times you may just use a pipe:

curl"" 2>/dev/null | awk -F'"' '$2=="city"{printf("%s, ", $4)}$2=="region"{print $4}'
curl"" 2>/dev/null | awk -F'"' '$2=="city"{printf("%s, ", $4)}$2=="region"{print $4}'
Mountain View, California

<<< is a form of input redirection called "here string"; it redirects the STDIN of a command from the terminal to a string.

What happens here is that $var is expanded between the double quotes; the STDIN of the AWK command is redirected from the terminal to the expanded string and AWK consequently reads the string as its input file.

Solution 2:

I was hoping to curl data into a shell script variable, then use cat or awk to operate on that variable as if it were a file. Is this possible, or is there a workaround?

Sure you can. If the content is not too large, and if you want to run multiple commands to parse the content, then it's a good thing to cache it in memory rather than re-download every time.

To store the result of curl in a variable:


To run commands on it:

<<< "$ipinfo" awk ...
<<< "$ipinfo" sed ...

The double-quotes no `"$ipinfo" are important to preserve all the whitespace characters.

A "workaround" to not saving the content in a variable is to figure out a way to process the content in a single pipeline, like @kos did.