Install SSL certificate from an untrusted website into the Certificates snap-in using IE

How can I install a certificate from an untrusted website into the Certificates snap-in (certmgr.msc) of Windows?

enter image description here

I know how to do this with Firefox by exporting to a file and then importing it, but I'm looking to do this in IE or with any other way that's built-in to Windows.

Solution 1:

I knew this used to be easy. It turns out the trick is to run IE as an Administrator:

enter image description here

Then browse to the website and click on the certificate details:

enter image description here

Then finally you can Install Certificate:

enter image description here

If you then want to export it to a file, it's a simple matter of exporting it from the Certificates (certmgr.msc) snap-in.

Solution 2:

I recommend reading this KB article, especially the Import and Export sections. To summarize:

  1. Press WinKey+R and at the Run window
  2. Type in control inetcpl.cpl,,3 (there are two commas and the number three at the end, yes)
  3. Click on Certificates button
  4. Click on the Trusted Root Certification Authorities (or the appropriate tab for your certificate) and locate the certificate you want to export.
  5. Click on the Export... button then Next
  6. Select the format you want to save the certificate under and click Next
  7. Type in a name. By default, exported certificate will be saved under your current profile's Documents folder. Click Next
  8. Click Finish If everything went well, you should see a The export was successful pop-up.

Hope that helps.