How do I decode a base64 encoded string?

I am trying to "decode" this following Base64 string:


This is what I know about the string itself:

  1. The original string is first passed through the following code:

    private static string m000493(string p0, string p1)
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(p0);
        StringBuilder builder2 = new StringBuilder(p1);
        StringBuilder builder3 = new StringBuilder(p0.Length);
        int num = 0;
        while (num < builder.Length)
            int num2 = 0;
            while (num2 < p1.Length)
                if ((num == builder.Length) || (num2 == builder2.Length))
                    goto Label_0084;
                char ch = builder[num];
                char ch2 = builder2[num2];
                ch = (char)(ch ^ ch2);
        return m0001cd(builder3.ToString());

    The p1 part in the code is supposed to be the string "_p0lizei.".

  2. It is then converted to a Base64 string by the following code:

    private static string m0001cd(string p0)
        string str2;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[p0.Length];
            str2 = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(p0));
        catch (Exception exception)
            throw new Exception("Error in base64Encode" + exception.Message);
        return str2;

The question is, how do I decode the Base64 string so that I can find out what the original string is?

Solution 1:


byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(encodedString);
string decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

Solution 2:

The m000493 method seems to perform some kind of XOR encryption. This means that the same method can be used for both encoding and decoding the text. All you have to do is reverse m0001cd:

string p0 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String("OBFZDT..."));

string result = m000493(p0, "_p0lizei.");
//    result == "gaia^unplugged^Ta..."

with return m0001cd(builder3.ToString()); changed to return builder3.ToString();.