Windows 8: BFSVC Error: Could not open the BCD template store. Status = [c000000f]

I have installed a new hard disk drive on my Acer Aspire 771. I made a USB recovery stick as well as recovery cd of the Windows 8 64 bit running on the former HD (which got corrupted, so no cloning possible).

After two days of struggling, I managed to get the recovery going, but it aborted at about 80 % of loading. As before, the system is not booting, and only the recovery disk helps me to get the command promt (all other repair options fail).

I tried to recreate the BCD, doing something like:

select vol 2 --> EFI
assign --> resulted in F: drive
select vol 3 --> Windows8_OS drive (471 GB)
assign --> resulted in G: drive
cd /d F:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\
bootrec /fixboot
ren BCD BCD.bak
bcdboot G:\Windows /l en-us /s f: /f ALL

to no avail, resulting in the mentioned error message

I also tried:


without success.

I'm getting into slight dispair...

Thanks for any suggestions.

The error could be caused by running the command without administrator privileges. I found that running the command with administrator privileges fixed this error (at least for me).

The error message clearly states that "BCD Template" is not present (or cannot be read).

BCD Template is in \Windows\System32\Config folder.

bcdboot command uses it for recreating BCD on system partition.

The possible solution is to obtain a Windows 8/64-bit installation DVD or ISO image and do a offline repair using SFC command (use DVD or mounted ISO as source for all repair operations like bcdboot for example).

SFC will repair/recreate all Windows system files.