Bold words in a string of strings.xml in Android
I have a long text in one of the strings at strings.xml. I want to make bold and change the color of some words in that text.
How can I do it?
Solution 1:
You could basically use html tags in your string resource like:
<string name="styled_welcome_message">We are <b><i>so</i></b> glad to see you.</string>
And use Html.fromHtml or use spannable, check the link I posted.
Old similar question: Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView?
Solution 2:
Use html tag inside string resources :-
<string name="string_resource_name"><![CDATA[<b> Your text </b>]]> </string>
And get bold text from string resources like :-
private Spanned getSpannedText(String text) {
return Html.fromHtml(text, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT);
} else {
return Html.fromHtml(text);
String s = format(context.getResources().getString(R.string.string_resource_name));
Solution 3:
As David Olsson has said, you can use HTML in your string resources:
<string name="my_string">A string with <i>actual</i> <b>formatting</b>!</string>
Then if you use getText(R.string.my_string)
rather than getString(R.string.my_string)
you get back a CharSequence
rather than a String
that contains the formatting embedded.
Solution 4:
In kotlin, you can create extensions functions on resources (activities|fragments |context) that will convert your string to an html span
fun Resources.getHtmlSpannedString(@StringRes id: Int): Spanned = getString(id).toHtmlSpan()
fun Resources.getHtmlSpannedString(@StringRes id: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): Spanned = getString(id, *formatArgs).toHtmlSpan()
fun Resources.getQuantityHtmlSpannedString(@PluralsRes id: Int, quantity: Int): Spanned = getQuantityString(id, quantity).toHtmlSpan()
fun Resources.getQuantityHtmlSpannedString(@PluralsRes id: Int, quantity: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): Spanned = getQuantityString(id, quantity, *formatArgs).toHtmlSpan()
fun String.toHtmlSpan(): Spanned = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
Html.fromHtml(this, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY)
} else {
//your strings.xml
<string name="greeting"><![CDATA[<b>Hello %s!</b><br>]]>This is newline</string>
//in your fragment or activity
resources.getHtmlSpannedString(R.string.greeting, "World")
EDIT even more extensions
fun Context.getHtmlSpannedString(@StringRes id: Int): Spanned = getString(id).toHtmlSpan()
fun Context.getHtmlSpannedString(@StringRes id: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): Spanned = getString(id, *formatArgs).toHtmlSpan()
fun Context.getQuantityHtmlSpannedString(@PluralsRes id: Int, quantity: Int): Spanned = resources.getQuantityString(id, quantity).toHtmlSpan()
fun Context.getQuantityHtmlSpannedString(@PluralsRes id: Int, quantity: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): Spanned = resources.getQuantityString(id, quantity, *formatArgs).toHtmlSpan()
fun Activity.getHtmlSpannedString(@StringRes id: Int): Spanned = getString(id).toHtmlSpan()
fun Activity.getHtmlSpannedString(@StringRes id: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): Spanned = getString(id, *formatArgs).toHtmlSpan()
fun Activity.getQuantityHtmlSpannedString(@PluralsRes id: Int, quantity: Int): Spanned = resources.getQuantityString(id, quantity).toHtmlSpan()
fun Activity.getQuantityHtmlSpannedString(@PluralsRes id: Int, quantity: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): Spanned = resources.getQuantityString(id, quantity, *formatArgs).toHtmlSpan()
fun Fragment.getHtmlSpannedString(@StringRes id: Int): Spanned = getString(id).toHtmlSpan()
fun Fragment.getHtmlSpannedString(@StringRes id: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): Spanned = getString(id, *formatArgs).toHtmlSpan()
fun Fragment.getQuantityHtmlSpannedString(@PluralsRes id: Int, quantity: Int): Spanned = resources.getQuantityString(id, quantity).toHtmlSpan()
fun Fragment.getQuantityHtmlSpannedString(@PluralsRes id: Int, quantity: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): Spanned = resources.getQuantityString(id, quantity, *formatArgs).toHtmlSpan()
Solution 5:
<string name="my_text"><Data><![CDATA[<b>Your text</b>]]></Data></string>
To set