remove ColorFilter / undo setColorFilter

How can a ColorFilter be removed or setColorFilter on a view be undone?

Solution 1:

You can call clearColorFilter() for the same object on which you called setColorFilter(). This method is equivalent to setColorFilter(null), and is arguably more readable than the latter.

Solution 2:

Have you tried setting it to null?

According to Android Documentation:

public void setColorFilter (ColorFilter cf)

Since: API Level 1 Apply an arbitrary colorfilter to the image. Parameters

cf the colorfilter to apply (may be null)

Solution 3:

Try this :

Drawable play = ContextCompat.getDrawable(MainActivity.this, R.drawable.ic_action_play_arrow);
view.invalidate(); // This is helpful when you apply morethan one color filter

Other two answers are also there which are helpful too. But, its working for me when i invalidate view.