how to load byobu automatically when terminal started?

Solution 1:

I think what you want is to launch the Byobu desktop application. You can find that in the Ubuntu application launcher, by simply typing Byobu. You can lock it to the launcher, and the icon will always stay there, on the left.

Alternatively, most Linux terminals can be set to run a particular command or application at launch.

For instance, in Gnome Terminal, simply click Edit -> Profile Preferences, select the Title and Command tab, check the Run a custom command instead of my shell box, and enter /usr/bin/byobu.

Gnome Terminal preferences

Full disclosure: I am the author and maintainer of Byobu.

Solution 2:

You can use the byobu-enable command. See the related man page. To reverse the change, use byobu-disable.

byobu-enable places a line at the end of ~/.profile. This means it only takes effect for login shells, i.e. via SSH or the VTs. If you're using LXTerminal, it may work if you move that line to ~/.bashrc instead.