How to remove icons/shortcuts from Unity menu?

I have installed Chromium and Tweet Deck on it (trough Chrome Store), now I uninstalled Tweet Deck and after that Chromium, the problem is, when I installed Tweet Deck it asked me if I want to create a shortcut to it and I chose YES. Now that both are uninstalled the Tweet Deck icon still appears on Unity Menu over Internet.

enter image description here

I tried to remove the icon from the menu but I can't figure out how to do this. It should be a simple thing to do, but is giving me headaches :P

What I have to do to remove the shortcut and possible junk files from Chromium?

Also my Ubuntu version is 11.10 x64.

(Sorry if I write something wrong)

Solution 1:

It seems that you can't remove apps from the Dash, however you can manage your launchers (*.desktop files) in one of the following directories:

  • /usr/share/applications
  • /usr/local/share/applications
  • ~/.local/share/applications

If your launcher file is in any of the first two directories, you will require root permissions to remove it.

Solution 2:

I use an application called alacarte (atalacarte is a program that for editing complient menus). It allows you to remove the unwanted launchers from the menu or create/add new ones. I had to install this app myself (apt-get) in Ubuntu 12.04. IMO this app should be part of a default Ubuntu installation.

Solution 3:

I had the same issue.

First I uninstalled the application, then I deleted all references from the following folder:


Rebooted....but never resolved my issue.

So installed this MENU editor:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:caldas-lopes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ezame

and delete unwanted icons.

Solution 4:

I had the same trouble with deleting Firefox icon from Unity launcher. I installed two exemplars of Firefox: one with apt-get and one with dpkg from *.deb, so after removing both copies of Firefox, icon is still showed in Unity launcher.

Here is recipe that helped me:

Looking a package in dpkg

dpkg --list | grep firefox


ii firefox-mozilla-build:i386 35.0.1-0ubuntu1 Mozilla Firefox, official Mozilla build, packaged for Ubuntu by the Ubuntuzilla project.

Found! Well, when we know the name of the package, we can remove its remnants

sudo dpkg -r firefox-mozilla-build:i386

That's all, excess icon vanished from the launcher.

Solution 5:

Just now I had a similar problem with one app. The problem with the accepted answer is that desktop files can be stored in many other locations, not only those listed, like this one ~/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/, for example.

So I can suggest to use the find utility in such a case. One needs to figure out what string is guaranteed to be a part of the name of a desktop file for the app in question and that string should be quite long in order to avoid too much output.

For instance ("iname" stands for case insensitive name, * is a wildcard, it means any character(s) in place of it):

sudo find / -iname '*tweet*'

Also one should try if necessary to search for some particular string in all desktop files on the system, like this:

sudo find / -name '*.desktop' -exec grep -i '*tweet*' {} +

Then remove all those found files and log off.

This should have helped the OP to remove those icons from the menu.