How to bypass/remove/disable the untrusted package authentication

First the image:

enter image description here

then me saying "Say What!!.. How the..What the..??".

Basically I am stunned. How can I disable/bypass/remove/explode the option for the untrusted packages not letting me install them. I mean it is the PPA for Wine. That's like 99% official ^^.

Anyway the question is regarding all PPA's that have the untrusted flag in them.

Solution 1:

This is a generic issue for all Ubuntu releases.

Run from a terminal

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

that should throw up the signature that is wrong:

enter image description here

Use the numbers after the NO_PUBKEY to replace XXXXXXXXX in the following

sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver XXXXXXXXX

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  1. What is the easiest way to resolve apt-get BADSIG GPG errors?

Solution 2:

You can try to remove the PPA and the signature by clicking on settings in update manager and then delete the appropriate entries from "other software" tab and the signature from the authentication tab.

After that, reload the package list and then enable the ppa by adding ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa as a new software source in the settings dialogue and update manager will automatically download the signature.