redis server does not create socket file

I had a similar issue but on a derivative of Arch Linux.

Redis had to be installed for OpenVAS and I was getting a permission error after attempting to start the service like this:

systemctl start redis.service

The error was visible using:

journalctl -xeu redis.service

as recommended by the systemctl command output.

When it attempted to create the Unix socket in /run (also linked from /var/run) it would fail because it could not create the file. I could manually created a redis subdirectory under /run using sudo and change the owner to the redis user then started redis but the directory kept disappearing later.

I tried re-installing with pacman because I was a bit lost but that didn't seem to help.

Solution in my case

After running

sudo systemctl enable redis.service

I can start the service and /run/redis (also linked as /var/run/redis) is present with a PID and Unix socket file as configured with the unixsocket entry in my config file.

I can confirm it's accessible with:

redis-cli -s /run/redis/redis.sock

After a reboot it's still good.