How do I move a window whose title bar is off-screen?

Solution 1:

Hold on option (or alt) while clicking the Window menu. This should change Bring All to Front into Arrange in Front, which did the trick for me.

This worked for me on OSX 10.9.1

Solution 2:

Windows that support resizing from all edges can also be moved by for example dragging them horizontally from the bottom edge.

You could also try running something like this in AppleScript Editor:

tell application "System Events" to tell process "FileZilla"
    set position of windows to {100, 100}

Solution 3:

In the case of Filezilla (for example) there is no window menu. You can however hold option while dragging the lower left or right corner of the window and it will proportionally scale the window (down in this case) and reveal the titlebar.

Solution 4:

I had a similar case with a different app where the title bar was exactly between my two monitors, unfortunately all other tips here did not work and others seemed to complicated to make sense.

I thought the drag-resize solution sounded best, but although my window is resizable from all sides and corners. dragging anywhere else but the titlebar did not work and also holding down longer does not change anything.

But the only key that makes a difference is pressing the alt/options key while resizing the window from the bottom side, because the this resizes not only the side that you drag on, it actually also resizes the opposite side, which brings the toolbar back in screen.

alt + resize-drag

Solution 5:

The OOTB solution (no extra apps required)

If you move the mouse to the right/left edge until you see the horizontal resize icon [↔︎], then dragging vertically will allow you to move the window instead of resizing. Same goes for the bottom edge resize cursor [↕︎] + horizontal drag.

Third-party apps

BetterTouchTool allows dragging and resizing windows in the linux (KDE) manner, i.e. modifier keys + drag anywhere within the window area to move/resize, which means you'll never again need to do extra work to grab the window edges to arrange your windows. A while ago the app became nagware with a 60 days free trial. It can also do things like remapping shortcuts and customise [magic]-mouse gestures, and add custom touch-bar actions.

Update: I have abandoned BetterTouchTool in favour of a patched version of the open-source Hummingbird app (a fork of Easy-Move-Resize).

Yet another option is ShiftIt, a tiny open-source utility which allows positioning and resizing windows using keyboard shortcuts. As a bonus, it provides shortcuts to move windows between multiple displays. See also What Window Management Options exist for OS X?