How to check the current disk space used by my linux?

Solution 1:

At a command line, type

df -a

This will list each device and usage information.

You might find

df -h

more readable, since it gives quantities in Gb or Mb, etc.

Solution 2:

As suggested by others, du and df can easily do the job, but baobab (see screenshot below) is a great tool for analysing disk usage of whole file system or specific folders.

If you are using ubuntu, then baobab is already installed. Start it from Menu->Accessories->Disk Usage Analyzer or type baobab in a terminal window.

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Solution 3:

du . -h --max-depth=1 

lists the size of all the folders in the current directory (or at a location of your choice)

Solution 4:

Here are some approaches:

df -h

Or install the totally awesome kdirstat graphical utility:

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