Windows batch: echo without new line

What is the Windows batch equivalent of the Linux shell command echo -n which suppresses the newline at the end of the output?

The idea is to write on the same line inside a loop.

Solution 1:

Using set and the /p parameter you can echo without newline:

C:\> echo Hello World
Hello World

C:\> echo|set /p="Hello World"
Hello World


Solution 2:

Using: echo | set /p= or <NUL set /p= will both work to suppress the newline.

However, this can be very dangerous when writing more advanced scripts when checking the ERRORLEVEL becomes important as setting set /p= without specifying a variable name will set the ERRORLEVEL to 1.

A better approach would be to just use a dummy variable name like so:
echo | set /p dummyName=Hello World

This will produce exactly what you want without any sneaky stuff going on in the background as I had to find out the hard way, but this only works with the piped version; <NUL set /p dummyName=Hello will still raise the ERRORLEVEL to 1.