Meaning of $\frac{x-y}{y}$ versus $\frac{x}{y}-1$

I'm trying to understand what is probably a fairly simple math concept, but this is escaping me for some reason. Why are the results of these two expressions equal? Thanks for any responses.



If you want an informal answer rather than an algebraic proof, see if this helps.

Suppose you have $x$ lollies (or sweets, or candies, depending which country you are in) to be shared equally among $y$ children. Each will receive $x/y$ lollies.

Now suppose that before the lollies are shared, $y$ of them magically disappear. Then each child will receive one lolly fewer, that is, each will receive $$\frac{x}{y}-1$$ lollies. But looking at it another way, there are now $x-y$ lollies, so each child will receive $$\frac{x-y}{y}$$ of them. Therefore these two numbers must be equal.

It comes down to the distributive law: $$ \frac{x-y}{y} = \frac{1}{y}(x-y) = \frac 1y x - \frac 1y y = \frac xy - 1 $$

Since there is subtraction in the numerator:


multiply both expressions by $y$ so that $$\frac{x-y}{y}$$ becomes $x-y$ and $$\frac{x}{y}-1$$ becomes $y(\frac{x}{y}-1)=x-y$.