sending mail from Batch file [closed]

We have a script to backup files. After the backup operation is over, we would like to send a report as an email notification to some of our email addresses.

How could this be done?


blat -to [email protected] -server -f [email protected] -subject "subject" -body "body"

You can also use a Power Shell script:

$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("")

if( $Env:SmtpUseCredentials -eq "true" ) {
    $credentials = new-object Net.NetworkCredential("username","password")
    $smtp.Credentials = $credentials
$objMailMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
$objMailMessage.From = "[email protected]"
$objMailMessage.To.Add("[email protected]")
$objMailMessage.Subject = "eMail subject Notification"
$objMailMessage.Body = "Hello world!"


PowerShell comes with a built in command for it. So running directly from a .bat file:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -Command Send-MailMessage ^
    -SmtpServer ^
    -To [email protected] ^
    -From [email protected] ^
    -Subject Testing ^
    -Body 123

NB -ExecutionPolicy ByPass is only needed if you haven't set up permissions for running PS from CMD

Also for those looking to call it from within powershell, drop everything before -Command [inclusive], and ` will be your escape character (not ^)

bmail. Just install the EXE and run a line like this:

bmail -s myMailServer -f [email protected] -t [email protected] -a "Production Release Performed"

We use blat to do this all the time in our environment. I use it as well to connect to Gmail with Stunnel. Here's the params to send a file

blat -to [email protected] -server -f [email protected] -subject "subject" -body "body" -attach c:\temp\file.txt

Or you can put that file in as the body

blat c:\temp\file.txt -to [email protected] -server -f [email protected] -subject "subject"