"VariationActivationError: channelIds.map is not a function" When pushing theme files live in BigCommerce

I'm trying to push my updated theme files for BigCommerce using a modified version of Cornerstone Light theme. I started getting an error that says: not ok -- VariationActivationError: channelIds.map is not a function and when I search my theme for channelIds.map or channelIds nothing comes up. I do have several entries for channelId.

I'm really not experienced enough to know what info I should provide that may help answer the issue... but here are the entries that contain the channelId.


const {
            channelId, cartId, productId, categoryId, secureBaseUrl, maintenanceModeSettings, adminBarLanguage, showAdminBar,
        } = this.context;


        if (showAdminBar) {
            adminBar(secureBaseUrl, channelId, maintenanceModeSettings, JSON.parse(adminBarLanguage), productId, categoryId);


        {{~inject 'channelId' settings.channel_id}}


 * @param channelId
export default function (secureBaseUrl, channelId = 1, maintenanceMode = {}, adminBarLanguage, productId, categoryId) {

Solution 1:

This was recently resolved! You will need to upgrade the Cli version to v3.9.0 and try again. More information on this error and what was resolved can be found here.