Python dataframe list-column splitting

Solution 1:

Use pd.DataFrame.from_records and join:

cols = ['MatchWord', 'Prox', 'MatchID']
out = df.join(pd.DataFrame.from_records(df['Ref'], index=df.index, columns=cols))

# Output
  RefID                 Ref  MatchWord  Prox  MatchID
0  Ref1       (baby, 60, 0)       baby    60        0
1  Ref2  (something, 90, 2)  something    90        2

Solution 2:

You can apply(pd.Series). This will unpack the items as columns:

df['Ref'].apply(pd.Series, index=['MatchWord', 'Prox', 'MatchID'])

Or use the DataFrame constructor:

pd.DataFrame(df['Ref'].to_list(), columns=['MatchWord', 'Prox', 'MatchID'])


   MatchWord  Prox  MatchID
0       baby    60        0
1  something    90        2